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Current projects

Influence of weather protection covers on pressure venting ducts on the reduced explosion pressure

Experimental explosion tests conducted on the FSA test field in Kappelrodeck are to be used to investigate whether the terminal installation of weather protection covers with low static response pressure on blow-off ducts for explosion pressure venting can lead to a safety-relevant increase in the reduced maximum explosion pressure in the part of the system to be protected.

Follow the link to the German version of the project page.

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Influence of pipe bends and elbows on the flame front velocity and pressure generation in pipelines

Dust explosions can spread from the point of origin to connected plant areas and trigger serious secondary dust explosions. Pipelines of pneumatic conveying and dust collection plants are typical transmission paths. The project results are intended to facilitate statements on the functionally reliable installation of explosion isolation systems in confined spaces.

Follow the link to the German version of the project page.

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Feedback effect of explosion decoupling systems on pressure-relieved equipment

Explosion decoupling systems that are connected to pressure-relieved vessels via piping can influence the reduced explosion overpressure that occurs in these vessels in the event of an explosion. The resulting pressures can be many times higher than would be expected from a properly designed explosion vent. The aim of the project is to ensure that the occuring effects can already be taken into account during design and dimensioning.

Follow the link to the German version of the project page.

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Modeling of flame front velocity in combustible dust-air mixtures

The project aims to develop a calculation method for the velocity of flame fronts in pipelines filled with combustible dust-air mixtures connecting plant components. In the future, this should make it possible to determine the minimum distance required for the reliable functioning of explosion decoupling systems in pipelines in potentially explosive plants purely by calculation.

Follow the link to the German version of the project page.

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Dust explosion sequence in bucket elevators with round conveying and return chutes

Since 2007, we have been working on the topics "Sequence of dust explosions in bucket elevators" and "Constructive explosion protection of bucket elevators" as part of our research projects. Within the scope of the current project, we are determining the effects of the deviating shaft geometry in supplementary investigations and, if necessary, drawing appropriate conclusions for the protective measures to be applied.

Follow the link to the German version of the project page.

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Modeling of dust distribution in containers during different filling processes

The national and European regulations on the subject of dust explosions contain equations for the design of pressure relief areas for various filling methods. In this project, CFD modeling will be used to investigate whether the equation for designing pressure relief areas for small vessels (vessel volumes smaller than 250 m³) can also be used for vessels with V > 250 m³.

Follow the link to the German version of the project page.

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Investigation of the breaking load of polyamide screws as a function of the rate of load increase

The aim of this project is to investigate whether widely used polyamide screws are suitable for sealing explosion flaps.

Follow the link to the German version of the project page.

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