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Physics, system development and modeling

Our research focuses

Our research and development work primarily serves the continuous optimization of occupational health and safety. This involves investigating health hazards that can occur as a result of physical effects of all kinds, e.g. pressure, air movement, temperature or electric fields. For this purpose, state-of-the-art commercial and self-developed measuring devices (e.g. a dust concentration measuring device) are used and test rigs are set up. In parallel, modeling is performed using Matlab, CFD software such as COMSOL and OpenFOAM, and in-house software developments.

We develop technical systems (e.g. a glow nest detection system) to eliminate hazards to people and equipment. Our solutions are characterized by a high level of innovation and, in addition to improving occupational safety, generally also help to reduce costs. This is made possible by the interdisciplinary work of experts from the fields of physics and engineering as well as the use of the latest research methods and scientific and technical equipment.